01494 562 813
Admission arrangements
Naphill and Walters Ash School is a community school in Buckinghamshire and as such the Admissions Authority is Buckinghamshire County Council. All admissions are managed by their Admissions team, including in-year ones. If parents contact the school they will be referred onto the local authority or they can follow the link below.
Each year group at Naphill is limited to 45 or 60 (Year R,1,2,3,4 = 45, Year 5,6 = 60) children meaning a maximum school capacity of 345. If the school is over-subscribed, (i.e. more children wish to attend the school than there are vacant places available), places will be allocated based on the criteria detailed in the following link.
In extreme weather conditions or under other extraordinary circumstances, the Headteacher may determine that the school may need to be closed to protect the welfare of children. This information is put onto the Buckinghamshire County Council website and the school website.
If the decision were taken to close the school during the day when the children were already there, children would not be permitted to leave until parents were made aware of this situation and had arrived to collect them.
Summer sun protection
It is essential that all children keep a sun-hat in their P.E. bag at school to wear on very sunny days. Sun-cream may be applied to children before school, or self-administered at school. Parents are also welcome to come to apply sun-cream to their children during the lunchtime period on sunny days.
If a child brings in a toy or book from home it is their responsibility to look after it. Balls should be kept in a bag and should be named.
When it is necessary for children to bring money to school, it must be in a clearly named purse or named, sealed envelope. Any money brought to school must be given to your child’s teacher for safekeeping.
Neither the School nor the Local Authority can accept responsibility for lost property, but we will always endeavour to find missing items. This task is made easier if the missing item is named and we are informed of the loss without delay. Parents are welcome to check the lost property boxes for personal possessions which have been mislaid. Lost property is put out on the playground each Wednesday for parents to check.
We are unable to store items which are not named or claimed, and these are disposed of at the end of each week.
Mobile Phones.
Mobile phones and iPods should not be brought on to school premises. Some children do need to bring a phone to school e.g. if they travel to school by bus or are staying away from home overnight. In these cases parents should request a copy of our mobile phone policy (see below) and complete the form. Forms should be returned to the school office, for the attention of the head teacher who will review the request. If the request is agreed mobile phones should be handed in to the school office in the morning and collected at home time. If mobile phones are not handed into the school office as agreed and are found in school, they will be confiscated as per the details in the policy.
Local Education Authority Health Screening
All children in Reception will be screened by the School Nurse for height, weight and vision. Pupils in Year 6 will be screened for height and weight.
In addition, dental and hearing examinations can be are carried out if a referral has been made. Parental permission is obtained before any screening takes place.
Medical and Dental appointments
Whenever possible parents are expected to make medical/dental appointments for children out-of-school hours. However, if an appointment must be arranged during school time, parents are expected to collect children from the school office. Prior written or verbal notice should always be given.
Where clinically possible, medicines should be prescribed in dose frequencies which enable them to be taken outside of school hours. Please note that we can only administer medicine which is prescribed 4 times a day. Medicine that is prescribed for 3 times a day can be done around the School day or you are welcome to come into School and administer a dose at lunchtime.
A member of staff will administer any medicine to a child if the correct forms have been completed. Parents who need prescribed medicine to be given to a child whilst at school should bring the medicine in its original container to the school office to complete the consent forms. Tablets should not be cut out into smaller sections; they need to be in the whole strip and in the original box. All medication should be in date, labelled, provided in the original container and include instructions for administration, dosage and storage. The exception to this is Insulin which must be in date but may be provided in a pen or pump rather than its original container.
Members of school staff are only allowed to administer prescribed medicines to a child. If you wish to administer over-the-counter medicines (e.g., Calpol) then you must come into school to administer it yourself.
Parents should inform the school office of any chronic or long term medical conditions that a child may have and complete a ‘health care plan.’
Inhalers and Epi-pens must be clearly labelled with your child’s name and once again, written instructions regarding their use must be given to your child’s teacher. It is the parent’s responsibility to check on a regular basis that inhalers are fully equipped and working properly.
The school must be notified if your child suffers from an allergy, which might lead to anaphylactic shock. If, as is likely, an Epipen has been prescribed, the school must have at least one – and preferably two – for use in emergencies, and a health care plan has to be completed.
Inhalers and Epi-pens are kept in the medical room so that all children and staff know where they are. If you wish your child to carry their inhaler with them at all times please contact the school office so that special arrangements can be made.
The school has an emergency inhaler and Epi-pen but we need parental permission to use it with a child. If your child is asthmatic we will send home a form which, has to be returned to school, in order for us to administer the emergency inhaler.
Children should not bring in throat sweets in their book bags as we cannot guarantee that another child will not obtain them.
First Aid Treatment
Minor injuries are dealt with at the school. Parents are contacted if the injury gives cause for concern or there is an injury to the head. In the event of an accident of a more serious nature, the parent will be contacted immediately. Should it be impossible to contact either parent the school will take appropriate action to deal with the situation.
Road Safety/Prevention of accidents
A crossing patroller is on duty before and after school. They exercise great care in their duties and parents are asked to help by not parking cars in close proximity to the crossing patrol area.
Similarly, the area immediately outside school should be kept clear of cars. Parents should not park in the cul-de-sacs on Kilnwood, as these are for the residents only. You may park along Kilnwood but not on the yellow zigzag lines or close to the zebra crossing.
Parents are not permitted to park on school premises at the beginning or the end of the day. This includes parents delivering to or collecting from Toddle In or Quackers.
Scooters and bikes must not be ridden within the school grounds. Please dismount from your bike or scooter and walk it into school. School grounds include the playground, paths around the inside of the school and the staff car park.
Our children are fully aware that they must not climb on the walls, gates or fences. This rule has been established for very obvious safety reasons and your active support in this matter will be appreciated.
All visitors must report to the reception area where they will be asked to sign in via our electronic signing in system. Visitors will be given a security badge to wear for the duration of the visit and are asked to return these to the reception when signing out.
We expect parents, staff and children to be vigilant at all times. The school has an intruder alarm system and our caretaker’s house is on the school site. The school benefits from the support of the RAF police in its security measures.
At this school, the health, safety and well-being of every child is our paramount concern. Our aim is that children will enjoy their time as pupils in this school. We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us.
We want to work in partnership with you to help your child to achieve their full potential and to make a positive contribution.
On rare occasions our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you. The procedures, which we follow, have been laid down by the Buckinghamshire Area Child Protection Committee, and the school has adopted a Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy in line with this for the safety of all. The Policy is available to read on the school’s web site.
Looked After Children
The head teacher is the designated person for Looked After Children (LAC) and is responsible for ensuring that an up to date list of children who are subject to a Care Order or are accommodated by the Local Authority is regularly reviewed and updated. The Education of Children in Public Care (ECPC) Team must be made aware of all LAC in the school. The head is also responsible for notifying Social Care when a child or young person attending the school is privately fostered. More information can be found in the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.
Schools, local authorities and the Department for Education (the Government department which deals with education) all hold information on pupils in order to run the education system, and in doing so have to follow the Data Protection Act 1998. This means, amongst other things, that the data held about pupils must only be used for specific purposes allowed by law. We are therefore writing to tell you about the types of data held, why that data is held, and to whom it may be passed on.
Information to support teaching and learning
The school holds information on pupils in order to support their teaching and learning, to monitor and report on their progress, to provide appropriate pastoral care, and to assess how well the school as whole is doing. This information includes contact details, National Curriculum assessment results, attendance information, characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information.
Information and images in literature or on the school website
In addition, the school will occasionally include information or images of your son/daughter in our school literature or on the school website. Please let the school know if this presents a problem to you and the school will take steps to ensure this information is not included. Parents need to be aware that at times the school may be legally bound to provide information to other bodies such as the police for example, which the school will try to do with the knowledge of the relevant parent(s).
Transfer of data and use by other organisations
From time to time we are required to pass on some of data to the Local Authority (LA), to another school to which the pupil is transferring, to the Department for Education (DfE), and to Standards and Testing Agency which is responsible for the National Curriculum and associated assessment arrangements.
The Local Authority uses information about pupils to carry out specific functions for which it is responsible, such as the assessment of any special educational needs the pupil may have. It also uses the information to derive statistics to inform decisions on (for example) the funding of schools, and to assess the performance of schools and set targets for them. The statistics are used in such a way that individual pupils cannot be identified from them.
The government may require the school to share information with other agencies such as Health, Local Authorities and other relevant public bodies. The school will inform parents when this type of processing occurs and seek consent where this is necessary.
The Standards and Testing Agency uses information about pupils to administer the National Curriculum tests and assessments for Key Stages 1 to 3. The results of these are passed on to DfE in order for it to compile statistics on trends and patterns in levels of achievement. The Standards and Testing Agency uses the information to evaluate the effectiveness of the National Curriculum and the associated assessment arrangements, and to ensure that these are continually improved.
The Department for Education uses information about pupils for statistical purposes, to evaluate and develop education policy and to monitor the performance of the education service as a whole. The statistics (including those based on information provided by the Standards and Testing Agency) are used in such a way that individual pupils cannot be identified from them. The DfE will feed back to LAs and schools information about their pupils where they are lacking this information because it was not passed on by a former school. On occasion information may be shared with other Government departments or agencies strictly for statistical or research purposes only.
Pupils’ rights
Pupils, as data subjects, have certain rights under the Data Protection Act, including a general right of access to personal data held on them, with parents exercising this right on their behalf if they are too young to do so themselves. If you wish to access the personal data held about your child, please contact the School Office.
We believe that achievement is directly related to good attendance. A pupil’s absence during term time can seriously disrupt their continuity of learning and can also affect that of the whole class. Not only do they miss the teaching provided on the days they are away, they are also less prepared for the lessons which follow. There is a consequent risk of underachievement, which we must seek to avoid.
Under new guidance from the DfE, leave can be granted from school in exceptional circumstances only. If the Headteacher decides to grant leave, then it is up to them to decide the length of time it will be granted for. This leave is very unlikely to be granted for the purposes of a family holiday. All such cases should be discussed with the Headteacher, as a child who is absent for longer than 10 days after an agreed return date, can legally be removed from the school roll.
The school will authorise 10 days’ Post Operative Leave (POL) for the children of forces’ families when a parent returns from an extended tour of duty abroad.
Leave of Absence forms can be obtained from the school office or school website and should be returned at least one month before the first day of intended absence. If unauthorised the school will look at their prior attendance, previous leave taken and if there is poor attendance and a pattern of taking term time leave the school may decide to refer you to the Education Welfare Service. The EWS will make the decision regarding whether to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice. The Attendance Policy is on the school web site.
It is essential that all absences be supported by verbal or written communication from parents. It is preferable if this is done on the first day your child does not attend school. Any unexplained absences have to be entered on the registers as “unauthorised”. If an absence has not been reported by 9:30am a phone call will be made to parents to find out why your child is not in School. The school regularly monitors attendance and if your child’s attendance causes concern you will be contacted. Bucks County Council expects primary school pupils to have an attendance rate of 95%.
Late arrivals must also be signed in via the electronic signing in system found in the school office, this system will automatically update the class registers. Parents of persistent latecomers and those who collect late will be contacted to discuss the situation. Ofsted make a clear link between punctuality and the child’s future recognition of the need to be on time for work.
The school is judged on how it deals with punctuality. A record of absence and late arrivals is entered on reports at the end of the school year and form part of the County and National data about the school.
Our children are expected to behave with courtesy and consideration at all times and our policy is one of positive discipline, focusing on good behaviour. We have a School Behaviour Code System which is followed from Reception to Year 6. The Codes clearly set out what is acceptable behaviour and the consequences if this behaviour is not shown.
The school has a Behaviour Policy that emphasises the standards of behaviour that are expected from everyone. A copy of the school’s Behaviour Policy is available on the school web site for parents to read.
The school expects all parents to behave in a polite and respectful manner on school premises. Parents who are verbally abusive towards staff will be asked to leave the premises and if you refuse the police will be called. The school will then seek action under County regulations to ban you from entering the school premises again.
The school rewards children who keep the rules and follow the school’s expectations in a variety of ways; housepoints, certificates, ‘Star of the Day’ cushions/rosettes, Golden Time and Golden Time Plus.
Complaints Procedure
The link to our complaints procedure can be found below:
We work towards creating a happy environment where education is the shared responsibility of the children, their parents and the school. Our aim is to match the children’s education to their needs so that they develop self-esteem, self-discipline and sensitivity towards others. The children are offered a wide range of educational activities to stimulate curiosity and increase confidence so that they experience the excitement of learning and develop enquiring minds. In particular we aim to ensure that the children become both literate and numerate at an early age. .
Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (Year R)
Children in Year R follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum. The children experience a wide range of indoor and outdoor educational activities that promote Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication, Language and Literacy Development, Mathematical Understanding, Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Physical and Creative Development. The curriculum is delivered through a topic and the curriculum map for each half term is sent home to parents and available on the school website. The children are grouped by ability and these groups are adapted on a half termly basis or more often according to the child’s development.
Compulsory education begins the term after the child’s fifth birthday. However, we feel very strongly that all children should have the right to a whole year in the Reception class, and therefore admit for the whole year group in September.
The Curriculum Years 1-6
Each year group delivers the curriculum across topics and the teachers and pupils are encouraged to develop links across subjects and knowledge. Some subjects have to be taught as separate units e.g. certain science topics or PSHE ideas. The teachers will adapt their teaching to meet the needs of the pupils wherever possible and will often use the children’s questions as starting points for learning. The curriculum maps for each year are available on the school web site. These show what is being taught by each year group in each term.
Delivery of the Curriculum
Class Teachers are responsible for teaching all subjects of the Curriculum. Where members of staff have particular expertise, for example in French or Music, they may exchange classes for a session. The emphasis is to provide the best teaching method for the needs of the children at any particular time, whether that is for the whole class, for small groups or for individual children. Some games lessons may be delivered by outside sports coaches and organisations. The school follows the National Curriculum and the areas covered can be seen on the section of Curriculum maps.
English and Literacy
Read, Write Inc and Letters and Sounds
The school teaches phonics, reading, spelling and writing in Foundation and Key Stage 1. We use the Read, Write Inc scheme alongside letters and sounds which also provides teachers in Key Stage 2 with a spelling programme. The children in Key Stage 1 are grouped across the four classes and have regular phonics lessons. Children in Reception start phonics during the first half of the autumn term. We use set books during the phonics lessons and these differ from those used in Guided and individual reading sessions.
Reading with your child is a vital part of the school-parent partnership but it is often one of the most contentious and worrying parts of school life for many parents. At an early stage, reading to your child and talking about the pictures and story is vital if your child is going to acquire a sense of what a story is and how language works.
Parents are often keen for their child to race through the reading scheme as they feel that their child can read everything, but often at an early stage we have to balance this with the child’s ability to understand the text. Many harder texts are unsuitable for the younger children in terms of content.
As your child’s ability to decode and comprehend texts develops it is still important that they read to you on a regular basis. Sometimes with the older children it is easy to think that because they can read, they don’t need to read aloud to you, but they do! They should read you short pieces of text and be able to discuss their books with you. Ask them questions to find out about what they’ve read, get them to make note of any words that they didn’t understand and encourage them to keep a word book and look the meanings up in a dictionary.
Reading Books
The school uses the Book Band system for grading its reading books. This means that we have books from a variety of schemes grouped at the same level of reading difficulty. The children are regularly assessed in their reading (using an assessment tool called PM Benchmark) and will move up the scheme as and when it is appropriate for them to do so. The children in Foundation and Key Stage 1 will also read books in school linked to their phonics work.
When the children can read independently they become ‘free readers’ which means that they can choose books from the school’s selection or bring in books from home. They will still participate in Guided Reading sessions each week in school where they will read books which the teachers select according to their ability.
Speaking and Listening
All children need to be able to speak clearly and coherently. More children are starting school with poor language skills and so in Foundation one of the key elements of the curriculum is developing the children’s ability to express themselves and to develop vocabulary and speech. We expect the children to answer questions in a full sentence and would encourage parents to hold conversations with the children at home. Much of the curriculum includes an opportunity for the children to discuss with a ‘talk partner’ and to collaborate in groups, so children need to be ready to be able to discuss, share ideas and to voice their points of view.
Reading stories, talking about things as you go for walks are in the car etc all help to develop your child’s language. In terms of the 11+ the ability to manipulate words, understand word meanings, etc., is vital.
Mathematics and Numeracy
We aim for our children to enjoy mathematics and acquire a sound understanding of concepts, which will enable them to use and apply mathematical skills with confidence. In the early years this is approached through planned indoor and outdoor practical activities, involving the children in discussion with adults to develop their mathematical language and understanding.
Children in Key Stages 1 and 2 are normally grouped for Mathematics according to ability either within the class or in sets. The main published scheme in use throughout the school is Abacus Mathematics, which is used to support class and group teaching.
We have a wide range of mathematical equipment for practical work to reinforce and apply mathematical knowledge.
Science has a high priority in our school and we aim to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of key scientific concepts. The skills needed to carry out Scientific Investigations to promote enquiring minds need to be developed at an early age.
In the first stages children are encouraged to use all their senses to explore their environment through planned outdoor and indoor cross-curricular activities or topic work. As children progress, Science may still be taught through a topic, e.g. Light and Colour; Electricity or Magnetism, but in Key Stage 2 it is increasingly taught as an independent subject.
We encourage children to develop a positive attitude towards our environment by making constructive use of our excellent school grounds and the pond in our enclosed courtyard. It is hoped that planned activities help children recognise the links between science and human influences.
The school has a computer suite equipped with up-to-date machines and software. The children are trained from an early age to operate equipment independently. From September the school will be using the Rising Stars Computing scheme of work.
Each class is equipped with interactive whiteboard technology and access to the internet as well as the whole school network. The schools ICT infrastructure is supported by a trained technician who works in the school regularly.
Physical Education and Games
We aim to improve the children’s health, increase their expertise and develop a lasting enthusiasm for exercise by encouraging them to take part in a wide range of active pursuits. Children have the opportunity to develop their skills by participating in gymnastics, dance, and athletics and organised games. Sporting activities also include rounders, hockey, tag rugby, cricket, fitness training, and cross country running.
The school is fortunate in having a large playing field. We have two football pitches, two netball courts and an enclosed Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) providing facilities for tennis, netball, five-a-side football and basketball.
At lunchtimes children in Years 5 and 6 are able to use the MUGA and the netball posts for informal practice.
We hire Risborough Springs swimming pool at Princes Risborough once a week so that our Year 3 children have the opportunity to learn to swim or to increase their existing expertise under the guidance of qualified instructors.
Children selected for the school teams compete in the Wycombe Area and further afield. We also have close links with other schools in the Liaison Group and compete annually at athletics, cross-country and inter-school sports days. Our teams are generally very successful and have regularly brought home trophies.
Modern Foreign Languages
We believe that introduction to a foreign language broadens the perspective of all children. It is also an advantage to those children who go on to study languages in greater depth at Secondary level to have had exposure to a language at Primary level.
From Year 3 onwards French is part of the children’s curriculum. Most of the work is focused on oral French with some written reinforcement at the top of the school.
Personal, Social and Health Education
In Personal, Social and Health Education our aim is to provide the knowledge and skills that will help our children develop favourable attitudes, enabling them to make informed choices about a healthy lifestyle.
Our children are expected to behave with courtesy and consideration at all times and our policy is one of positive discipline, focusing on good behaviour. Our school rules are based on simple health and safety issues and the importance of showing respect and caring for the needs of others.
Themed work, e.g. “Ourselves” for the very youngest children, caring for pets and observation of life in the school pond are simple, meaningful ways of introducing sex education to the children. Any questions are honestly and sensitively answered at the appropriate level of understanding for the children.
During their last term at school the Year 6 children watch the “Health E” television series. Questions are dealt with in a way that encourages children to consider morals and the value of family life. Parents are invited to see excerpts from the programmes prior to their introduction to the children.
The Governors’ Sex Education Policy supports the above statement and a copy of the Policy is available in school for parents to read.
Foundation Subjects and Religious Education
The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all of the pupils. The staff plan termly topics which will include subjects such as geography, history etc. These topics can be seen in the termly Curriculum Maps which are on the school website.
Forest School
This entails fortnightly trips to the woods (rain or shine!) for each child in Reception, Years 1 and 2. Forest School aims to encourage collaboration and co-operation between children, at the same time as developing their co-ordination and ability to think creatively. We are always looking for volunteers to accompany us to the woods. Let us know if you would like to sign up!
From November 2020 homework where possible will be set on Seesaw. Log ins are issued at the start of the Academic Year and can be requested if they are misplaced.
Year group | Homework subject | Day set | Day due/ test |
On tapestry · Reading- daily · Phonic based activities · Follow up lesson activities · Maths activities
Ongoing daily Friday Weekly Half termly |
Parents sign weekly Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing |
Y1 |
· Reading- daily · Phonics · Maths/ English activities related to lessons
Daily Friday Weekly |
Parents sign weekly Thursday Voluntarily completed |
Y2 |
· Reading- daily · Topic/science knowledge quiz · Maths · KS1 CE spelling list & follow up tasks
Daily Half termly Friday Wednesday
Parents sign weekly x3 Ongoing tasks Thursday Tuesday |
Y3 |
· Reading – daily · Spelling list · Y3/4 100 spelling list (for most) · Maths & English alternate weeks · Times tables – Rock stars |
Tuesday Tuesday Half termly Tuesday Wednesday |
Parents sign weekly x3 Test each Thurs Test start of each half term Tuesday Test each Thurs
Y4 |
· Reading- daily · Spelling list · Y3/4 100 spelling list (for most) · Maths & English alternate weeks · Times tables – Rock stars
Monday Friday Half termly Wednesday Wednesday |
Parents sign weekly x3 Test following Friday Start of each half term Wednesday Wednesday |
Y5 |
· Reading- daily · Spelling list · Y5/6 100 spelling list (for most) · Maths · English (alternate weeks) · Times tables – Rockstars
Monday Monday Half termly Friday Monday (alternate) Friday |
Parents sign weekly x3 Test following Monday Start of each half term Friday Monday (alternate) Friday |
Y6 |
· Reading –daily · Spelling list · Y5/6 100 spelling list (for most) · Maths · English · Times tables – Rockstars
Monday Friday Half termly Monday Monday Monday
Monday Test following Friday Start of each half term Monday Monday Test following Monday
The SEN Code of Practice was revised in 2014. It is a statutory document and can be legally upheld. It refers to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from 0-25 years of age.
The revised SEN Code of Practice (2014):
What is SEN?
According to the SEN Code of Practice (2014),
A child or young person has Special Educational Needs if:
Children identified by the Code of Practice are allocated additional assistance. The time allocated may vary from year to year depending upon the delegated budget received by the school. Parents are kept informed of, and involved in, their children’s progress at all stages.
If a teacher or parent raises concerns about a child’s educational development or progress, they will be monitored over a period of time. If, despite additional interventions, the child has not made progress, a conversation with parents will take place to discuss whether it is appropriate for the child to be raised to SEN Support. If this is the case, they will receive a SEN Support Plan which is written in conjunction with the child and their parents and is signed by all parties involved. Any Outside Professional Support will also be noted. SEN Support Plans are reviewed termly to assess progress and to look at future targets.
If it is deemed that further more intensive intervention is required, then it may be the case that an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) is applied for.
Children who are not on the SEN register may also receive internal interventions to support their learning (such as booster groups, small comprehension groups, 1:1 reading, and targeted numeracy groups).
Naphill and Walters Ash School works collaboratively and engages effectively with agency partners to fulfil the needs of the children at the school. Such agencies include SaLT (Speech and Language Therapy), CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services), C&L (Cognition and Learning), STS (Specialist Teaching Service), EP (Educational Psychologist), OT (Occupational Therapy), VI (Visual Impairment Team), HI (Hearing Impairment Team), CEAS (Children’s Education Advisory Service) and any agency we, or the parent in discussion with the school, feels will benefit the child to access the curriculum and to develop their learning more successfully.
Support for parents in HM Armed Forces
Parents serving in HM Armed Forces can access support from CEAS Children’s Education Advisory Service. The service provides information, advice and support specifically for children from Armed Forces families. It covers any issues relating to children’s education including SEN.
Army families with children with SEND are registered as a matter of course, but for the other services, this is not compulsory unless they are overseas. However, it is strongly recommended that these other families register whilst in the UK, as support from CEAS is always useful. The onus is on the parents to make the contact.
Further information is available from the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO), Mrs L Green via the school office.
Gifted and Talented Children
The school recognises that many of its pupils have many talents and abilities. The school holds a register of Gifted and Talented Pupils and seeks to meet their needs through a variety of ways. In terms of academic ability lessons are differentiated so that pupils working at the top end are stretched, in Year 6 some pupils attend maths master classes at local grammar schools. Our older sporting pupils are encouraged to go to further coaching activities run by the School Sports partnership. Pupils who act are supported in being given authorised time off school if they are in West End shows etc
The school will:
a) Promote and celebrate diversity,
b) Give every child the best opportunity to learn and achieve high standards and to take part in all activities of the school,
c) Promote community cohesion within the school, amongst the local community, in the country and worldwide
d) Treat all people equally and operate a zero tolerance policy towards any form of discrimination
Through the curriculum and the many pastoral opportunities that present themselves in school all staff aim to ensure that the children understand the need to respect and tolerate differences. The school is constantly seeking to become involved in local, national and global events as it is important for the children to learn how inter-connected the world we live in is.
Collective Worship Policy
The aims and purpose of collective worship are:
a) To enable children to consider spiritual and moral issues;
b) To enable children to explore their own beliefs;
c) To encourage participation and response;
d) To develop in children a sense of community spirit;
e) To promote a common ethos with shared values and to reinforce positive attitudes;
In line with the 1988 Education Reform Act, which states that collective worship should be ‘wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character’, we normally base our assemblies on the teachings of Christ and traditions of the Christian Church. However, we conduct our assemblies in a manner that is sensitive to the individual faith and beliefs of all members of the school.
While the majority of acts of worship in our school are Christian, we also hold assemblies that reflect other religious traditions and beliefs that are represented in the school and the wider community. An act of daily worship is held in the school and it will be done as in a whole school or Key Stage setting or within the classroom.
Visits held to be part of the education activity of the school may only take place providing that no compulsory charge is made. The exceptions to this ruling are:
Charges for Educational Visits
a) A visit organised by a third party, e.g. a travel firm, when a compulsory charge may be made even if the activity takes place during school hours.
b) Charges for the board and lodging element of residential visits.
c) Where activities or visits take place outside school session times, charges, where appropriate, will continue to be made.
Charges for other Activities
a) In cookery, craft, etc., appropriate charges may be made for ingredients and materials where parents have indicated in advance that they wish to buy their child’s finished product.
b) The Buckinghamshire Learning Trust co-ordinates the music lessons on behalf of the school. Peripatetic teachers visit our school each week offering a variety of music lessons to our children. Parents can apply on-line to sign their children up for these music lessons. The school regrets it is unable to fund peripatetic music lessons and, therefore, the Buckinghamshire Learning Trust charges the cost directly to parents who elect to take advantage of extra music tuition for their children.
Visitors to the school / enrichment activities
Where activities take place in school session time, parents will be invited to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the activity on a pro-rata basis, but a pupil will not be debarred from taking part in that activity because his/her parents cannot or will not contribute.
School visits and activities in school will continue to be organised from time to time provided that voluntary contributions are received from a sufficient number of parents to make the financial arrangements viable. If a sufficient number of parents are not prepared to contribute, then the visit may be cancelled.
An application for full or partial remission of charges can be discussed on a confidential basis with the Headteacher. Children who are eligible for free school meals, because of their parent’s receipt of Family Credit or Income Support will be given full remission.
Damage through negligence
Parents will be requested to meet the costs of breakages and damage where it is a result of their child’s misbehaviour.
We currently have a Family Liaison Officer, Mrs Henig who supports new families who move into the area, families who are experiencing difficulties and who need extra support. She also works with children in school who may for example struggle with completing homework at home or who may a parent posted away from home. Mrs Henig can be contacted via the school office if you wish to speak to her.
Complaints procedures
If parents have any concerns about school, their first step should be to discuss the issue with the class teacher. Should this prove to be unsatisfactory or inappropriate, the matter should be discussed with the Headteacher.
On the very rare occasions when matters remain unresolved, the next stage is to consult the Chair of Governors.
Should the normal routes of communication breakdown, under the terms of the 1988 Education Act, there is a formal complaints procedure to address any concerns expressed by parents that cannot be resolved by informal discussion with teachers and Headteacher. A copy of the full procedure is available for inspection in school.