Naphill and Walters Ash School


Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Reception – Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Talk Boost

Key Stage 1 – 1:1 reading, extra comprehension work, handwriting, Morning Skills (occupational therapy), precision monitoring for reading and spelling,

Key Stage 2 – Lego Therapy, Speech and Language, Handwriting, Spellings, 1:1 reading, Morning Reading comprehension, Precision monitoring ,Sentence work Skills, Minute Maths, Digismart, SNIP spellings.

These interventions are for any child not on track to meet the expected standard for their year group or not making expected progress. When you see the end of KS results you can see the effect of the interventions and the effect overtime as %s at expected level are greater than 50%.

A significant number of the Pupil Premium children (and their families) have received support from  Sarah Chick, the school’s Behaviour Support Assistant for social and emotional reasons. This support can vary in length of time and some support is quite structured, some is given when a specific event/reason had occurred in the child’s life.

The school covers the cost of clubs, trips, residential visits, Out of School Club fees and music lessons for the above pupils. This ensures that they can access the same extra-curricular activities as their peers and be able to participate in every aspect of school life.



The Department for Education introduced the Service Pupil Premium in April 2011, in recognition of the specific challenges faced by children from service families.

Service Pupil Premium is received by schools which have children from services families in school years Reception to Year 11.  Service Pupil Premium is currently £335 per service child who meets the eligibility criteria.

At Naphill and Walters Ash School, Service Pupil Premium is used to provide pastoral support in the form of a Family Liaison Officer and a Behaviour Support Assistant.  All children who join or leave the school at any point other than the usual exit and entry points of Year R and 6, receive support to aid settling into our school and again when transitioning to a new school.  Additionally, service children with a parent on deployment are given the opportunity to send e-mails to the deployed parent during the school day.  We are able to signpost parents to outside support when required and provide a termly newsletter with useful information for families.  Pastoral support is also available for behaviour, friendships and bereavement if needed.

Service Pupil Premium has also been used to provide teaching assistant support for service pupils with additional needs.