Naphill and Walters Ash School


Equalities Objectives

Equality, Diversity and Cohesion 

The school will:

a) Promote and celebrate diversity,

b) Give every child the best opportunity to learn and achieve high standards and to take part in all activities of the school,

c) Promote community cohesion within the school, amongst the local community, in the country and worldwide

d) Treat all people equally and operate a zero tolerance policy towards any form of discrimination

Through the curriculum and the many pastoral opportunities that present themselves in school all staff aim to ensure that the children understand the need to respect and tolerate differences. The school is constantly seeking to become involved in local, national and global events as it is important for the children to learn how inter-connected the world we live in is.

Collective Worship
The aims and purpose of collective worship are:

a) To enable children to consider spiritual and moral issues;

b) To enable children to explore their own beliefs;

c) To encourage participation and response;

d) To develop in children a sense of community spirit;

e) To promote a common ethos with shared values and to reinforce positive attitudes;

In line with the 1988 Education Reform Act, which states that collective worship should be ‘wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character’, we normally base our assemblies on the teachings of Christ and traditions of the Christian Church. However, we conduct our assemblies in a manner that is sensitive to the individual faith and beliefs of all members of the school.

While the majority of acts of worship in our school are Christian, we also hold assemblies that reflect other religious traditions and beliefs that are represented in the school and the wider community.  An act of daily worship is held in the school and it will be done as in a whole school or Key Stage setting or within the classroom.