Naphill and Walters Ash School



Homework Expectations – 24/25

At Naphill and Walters Ash School we believe that homework is important but should not be excessive. We focus on the key areas your support can make the most difference to their school work.


The expectation is that every child – from a beginner to a fluent free reader – reads at least three times a week at home. If your child reads with you or to you please write in their Home School Diary. This is important as staff can then see if books have been read and finished, then your child can get a new book. If your child is a free reader (not on the reading scheme) and they are reading to themselves they can sign their own Home School Diaries as staff use it as a reading log.  We would ask that even these free readers read to an adult at least once a week.

Reading is key to learning. Reading to your children when they are younger is a great way of spending time with your child. Looking at any book, talking about the storyline and illustrations is a wonderful way of building their vocabulary and general knowledge. Even the older free readers have to comprehend what they have read and have those deeper inferential skills e.g. what does a word mean in the context of a given sentence, what image is the author trying to create? Talk to your child about books, no matter what age are, and develop that love of reading in them.

Phonics and spellings

Children in KS2 will have spellings set each week; these will be based on the key vocabulary needed for topics and the words required to be known by the end of each year.  The children know which group they are in.  Children in KS1 will also have spellings set and these will be linked to the phonics they are learning in their weekly sessions.  Phonics for Reception can be found on Tapestry.



The children have to develop a good, quick recall of their number bonds. In KS1 these are number facts such as 3 + 5 = 8, 8 – 5 = 3. As they get older this becomes 30 + 50 = 80, then 300 + 500 = 800 and so on until we get to decimals 0.5 + 0.3 = 0.8 etc.

As the children move through KS1 we go from numbers to 10 and 20, onto 100 and then we keep going.

Times tables and the linked division facts are also key. By the end of Year 2 the children should have good recall of their 2s,5s and 10s times tables. Then in Years 3/4 they move onto 4s, 8s and 6s. By the end of Year 4 they should have quick (within 5 seconds for the national Yr 4 times table check) of all times tables up to 12 x12.

Practice these at home; we send home links to Numbots for the addition and subtraction facts in the lower years and then to Times Table Rock Stars. The teachers will keep track of what the children are doing and these games will be set as homework and we expect it to be completed. All the children have logins and if they are lost then they can ask for it to be sent home again.

Homework – Friday 11th October – Due in Thursday 24th October 2024.

Please click below to find your child’s homework for this week.

If you are having trouble opening the homework, please hold down the button and select open with a new tab.  The homework should then appear.