What a busy week. The Christmas Fayre on Saturday was a great success. WANSA did a brilliant job at organising the event and it was so good to see many of you there. Year 6 worked hard to make all the products that they sold. WANSA provided the refreshments for Wednesday night’s Christmas music concert too – mulled wine, mince pies and carols!
The orchestra and choirs performed brilliantly; the children work hard to practice their songs and musical pieces and their hard work showed through last night.
Year 1 went off to post their letters to Father Christmas; hopefully Royal Mail and the north wind will get all the letters to the North Pole. All the children in Reception and KS1 are busy rehearsing for next week’s Nativity plays. There appear to be some very bored sheep left on the hillside but I have a feeling their night is going to liven up!
Year 4 are performing their ‘Robot Christmas’ tomorrow and I am sure that those of you coming to see it will enjoy the show. Year 5 are having an Anglo-Saxon day next Friday (14th) so it will be interesting to see what is on the menu.
Year 6 came third in their hockey tournament and KS1 came second. The U11s football team played four league matches this week and are currently leading the league on goal difference. Next term’s matches will be close!