Naphill and Walters Ash School



What is WANSA?

WANSA is a registered charity run by the parents of children at Naphill and Walters Ash School. The charity’s objectives are to advance pupil education opportunities through fundraising for the school. If you’d like to join the committee then it’s open to all parents, teachers and friends of the school anyone is welcome to come along to our monthly meetings – the more support and ideas, the better! For more information join please look at our website our Facebook page.

Who are we?

WANSA is made up of a committee of parents, and is supported by parent volunteers without whom we would not be able to function. We meet regularly to plan upcoming events and we are always glad to welcome new faces and hear fresh ideas.

Current WANSA committee members:

  • Nicola Briscoe – Chair
  • Kate Fulcher – Deputy Chair
  • Jamie Mullard – Treasurer
  • Billie Lynch– Secretary

What do we do?

Our main aim is to help raise funds for our school, we try to achieve this by running events and activities throughout the school year.  These events have included Themed non uniform days (Halloween, Christmas, Easter and Summer), Christmas Fayre, Easter or Christmas Raffle, children’s discos, discounted theatre tickets, bingo nights, Summer Fayre to name just a few.

What did we do last year?

Coming Up in 2025

Plus many more… 

Ongoing Initiatives:

  • Easyfundraising
  • Recycling Textiles Bank
    • Don’t forget our textiles recycling bank is located near the scooter rack and Reception at the front of the school. The bank can take all unwanted items of clothing, shoes, bedding, curtains etc and you can deposit these items in the bank any time!  For every tonne of textiles WANSA will receive a cheque!