Science Statement
To develop a lifelong curiosity and interest in Science and the study of Science through a varied, progressive and accessible curriculum. A curriculum that equips the children for life to ask and answer scientific questions about the world around them. To be able to build on the skills, working scientifically, increasing their science knowledge and being able to plan and carry out fair and comparative tests independently.
To gain scientific knowledge in every science lesson through high quality teaching and planning. To develop scientific knowledge and enquiry skills with increasing depth and challenge as they move through the year groups. To complete investigations and hands on activities through hands on lessons. To enjoy a sequence of lessons embedding scientific knowledge and skills building on previous learning. To regularly review and assess the children’s learning for any misconceptions and ensure activities are effective in differentiation of support and challenge for all abilities and SEND need.

To improve a child’s ability to learn, remember and explain more in Science through measured attainment and progress throughout the school. To have consistency in the scientific language used by the children and staff to create engaged and excited learners who are confident in their knowledge and skills. To nurture the curiosity of Science and to encourage the relevance of what they learn in their real lives and understand the importance of Science in the real world.