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School Attendance Procedures
The school gates open at 8:30 am. Staff are not on duty until 8:40 am, when the school doors will open. Children must line up in their year groups and wait to be told they can enter the school building.
The playground gates are closed and locked at 8:50 am.
Years R,1,2,4,6 start at 8:40am
Years 3,5 start at 8:45am
Any child arriving after 8:50am will have to be brought in, by an adult, to the school office. The adult will then have to sign the child in. No children are to come in through the office unaccompanied.
The school will monitor late arrivals. Continually arriving late means the child is missing key parts of their learning.
Years R,1,2,4,6 finish at 3:10pm
Years 3,5 finish at 3:15pm
The children will be released to whoever is collecting them at the known points on the playground.
If a child is going to be collected by a different person, parents must let the school know in advance. If school is not informed, then the child will not be allowed to leave with that person until their parent has given confirmation.
If parents are going to be late in collecting their child, they should call the school office and inform them of their arrival time. Children who are not collected on time will wait in the school office.
Any children who are frequently collected late may be referred to First Response as this may become a social care issue.
Children Going To and From School Unaccompanied
Children in Years 5 and 6 may go home alone, as long as parents have informed the school that this is the case.
If the child is taking the bus, then we expect parents to have put in place guidance for emergencies e.g. if the bus breaks down or fails to turn up.
If a child is coming by bus in the morning, we expect parents to have informed us; if the child is absent for registration, the school office will contact the parents of these children first.
We would expect children using the bus to have a mobile phone with them; this is to be handed in on arrival at school and will be kept in a locked cupboard in the school office, during the day. A mobile phone agreement form must be completed and approved by Miss Gwynn in advance.
If a child is ill parents should contact the school office by phone or email, as soon as possible, informing the school of the reason for their child’s absence. If your child has had sickness or diarrhea then they must remain off school for 48 hours from the last bout of illness.
Please see the following link for NHS advice on various illnesses and if your child should remain off school – https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/
If the school is not informed as to the reason for a child being absent, parents will be called during the morning.
If we are unable to get hold of parents, and the child is known to Social Care, then they will be made aware of the absence.
We need to have contact details for two people and if we cannot reach the first person we will call the second. This is due to recommendations for Safeguarding Procedures.
If the school believes that a child may have been taken abroad for reasons such as FGM or under circumstances related to Prevent, the police will be called.
Attendance Levels
Primary aged pupils are expected to have at least 96% attendance for an academic year.
The school will review the children’s attendance each half term and if it falls below 90% parents will be informed.
If there is no improvement, the school will contact the County Attendance Team for advice, and as a result, Parenting Contracts and a referral to First Response may be made. A Parenting Contract is an agreement with the school that sets out steps to improve a child’s attendance. A meeting is held, reasons for poor attendance are discussed, and the Contract sets out who is responsible for making changes so the situation improves. A timeframe of normally a month is set, and if things improve and all involved feel that the problems have been resolved then the Contract ends. If there has been little, or no improvement that case may become a matter for Social Care and we will contact them through First Response.
If there is no improvement, a referral to the County Attendance Team can also result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued. The Attendance Team issue the fine and further details about this can be found on the Bucks County Council website.
Requested Holidays and Absences
Parents may request time off from school, and in accordance with the Attendance Policy, the Head will decide if the time is to be authorised or unauthorised.
The school monitors and records all holiday applications. The school may refer a holiday request to the County Attendance Team if we notice that holidays are being taken each year during term time or if a holiday request is for a child whose previous attendance is low. The County Attendance Team will then decide if a Fixed Penalty Notice will be issued.
Overall responsibility for Attendance lies with Kerenza Gwynn, head teacher.