Naphill and Walters Ash School



Medical Information

Local Education Authority Health Screening
All children in Reception will be screened by the School Nurse for height, weight and vision. Pupils in Year 6 will be screened for height and weight.

In addition, dental and hearing examinations can be are carried out if a referral has been made.  Parental permission is obtained before any screening takes place. 

Medical and Dental appointments
Whenever possible parents are expected to make medical/dental appointments for children out-of-school hours.   However, if an appointment must be arranged during school time, parents are expected to collect children from the school office.   Prior written or verbal notice should always be given.

Where clinically possible, medicines should be prescribed in dose frequencies which enable them to be taken outside of school hours.  Please note that we can only administer medicine which is prescribed 4 times a day.  Medicine that is prescribed for 3 times a day can be done around the School day or you are welcome to come into School and administer a dose at lunchtime.

A member of staff will administer any medicine to a child if the correct forms have been completed. Parents who need prescribed medicine to be given to a child whilst at school should bring the medicine in its original container to the school office to complete the consent forms. Tablets should not be cut out into smaller sections; they need to be in the whole strip and in the original box.    All medication should be in date, labelled, provided in the original container and include instructions for administration, dosage and storage.  The exception to this is Insulin which must be in date but may be provided in a pen or pump rather than its original container. 

Members of school staff are only allowed to administer prescribed medicines to a child. If you wish to administer over-the-counter medicines (e.g., Calpol) then you must come into school to administer it yourself.

Parents should inform the school office of any chronic or long term medical conditions that a child may have and complete a ‘health care plan.’

Inhalers and Epi-pens must be clearly labelled with your child’s name and once again, written instructions regarding their use must be given to your child’s teacher.   It is the parent’s responsibility to check on a regular basis that inhalers are fully equipped and working properly.

The school must be notified if your child suffers from an allergy, which might lead to anaphylactic shock. If, as is likely, an Epipen has been prescribed, the school must have at least one – and preferably two – for use in emergencies, and a health care plan has to be completed.   

Inhalers and Epi-pens are kept in the medical room so that all children and staff know where they are. If you wish your child to carry their inhaler with them at all times please contact the school office so that special arrangements can be made.

The school has an emergency inhaler and Epi-pen but we need parental permission to use it with a child. If your child is asthmatic we will send home a form which, has to be returned to school, in order for us to administer the emergency inhaler.

Children should not bring in throat sweets in their book bags as we cannot guarantee that another child will not obtain them.  

First Aid Treatment
Minor injuries are dealt with at the school.  Parents are contacted if the injury gives cause for concern or there is an injury to the head.  In the event of an accident of a more serious nature, the parent will be contacted immediately. Should it be impossible to contact either parent the school will take appropriate action to deal with the situation. 

Road Safety/Prevention of accidents
A crossing patroller is on duty before and after school.  They exercise great care in their duties and parents are asked to help by not parking cars in close proximity to the crossing patrol area. 

Similarly, the area immediately outside school should be kept clear of cars. Parents should not park in the cul-de-sacs on Kilnwood, as these are for the residents only.  You may park along Kilnwood but not on the yellow zigzag lines or close to the zebra crossing.

Parents are not permitted to park on school premises at the beginning or the end of the day. This includes parents delivering to or collecting from Toddle In or Quackers. 

Scooters and bikes must not be ridden within the school grounds.  Please dismount from your bike or scooter and walk it into school.   School grounds include the playground, paths around the inside of the school and the staff car park.

Our children are fully aware that they must not climb on the walls, gates or fences. This rule has been established for very obvious safety reasons and your active support in this matter will be appreciated.